This book is for informational purposes only. Except when an external source is cited, everything in the book is the author’s opinion. The author makes no guarantee about the correctness or accuracy of any content in this book. Furthermore, you may disagree with and/or find certain content offensive.

Read at your own risk. Do not continue reading if you do not accept full responsibility for all actions you take as a result of reading this book. The author is not liable for any damages including, but not limited to, academic failures, career path mistakes, financial loss, feeling upset, and physical/mental injury.


This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

This section provides examples of permitted versus unpermitted use. If there are any contradictions, inconsistencies or ambiguities in the remainder of this “License” section, the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license will prevail.

Examples of permitted use cases:

Examples of unpermitted use cases:

Educational Institutions

Colleges and universities that charge tuition and/or fees count as “commercial competitors.” We are competitors in a market because I am addressing a shortcoming in one of your services: advising students on how to succeed in college computer science. If you redistribute my material in your curriculum, then you negatively impact my future ability to sell physical copies of the book. Furthermore, it would be unfair if you use my free work to improve your services while charging tuition. Thus, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 does not apply for institutions where there exists a student paying a nonzero amount of money to pursue a computer science major. You may distribute links to this book, but may not reproduce any part of this book.

I choose not to provide a free, blanket license to colleges because the cost of attendance is out of control. Universities should not be charging computer science students more tuition per year than the student would earn in an average summer software internship. Unfortunately, many institutions waste money on useless administrators and extravagant expenditures and then pass costs of over $60,000/year to students. Institutions that don’t cut their spending problems and instead hike tuition are welcome to reach out via this form to discuss a paid license. If you do not believe your institution is bloated and would like to use this book for free, feel free to reach out and I can consider a narrower, free license.