This book is for informational purposes only. Except when an external source is cited, everything in the book is the author’s opinion. The author makes no guarantee about the correctness or accuracy of any content in this book. Furthermore, you may disagree with and/or find certain content offensive.

Read at your own risk. Do not continue reading if you do not accept full responsibility for all actions you take as a result of reading this book. The author is not liable for any damages including, but not limited to, academic failures, career path mistakes, financial loss, feeling upset, and physical/mental injury.

Works Cited

[1] “Ford Motor Company Mechanical Engineer Salaries”. Glassdoor, 2021,,38.htm?experienceLevel=LESS_THAN_ONE.

[2] “Google vs Facebook vs Microsoft”., 2021,,Facebook,Microsoft&track=Software%20Engineer.

[3] Castillo, Brooke. “Episode #3: How to Set Goals”. The Life Coach School, May 1, 2014,

[4] “Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label”. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, February 10, 2021,