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Part II: Core Life Skills

Before we dive into college topics, it is important to cover some important life skills. Part II covers ideas that many people don’t know about or brush aside as insignificant. If you solidify your life skills foundation, you’ll have a stabler college experience later on. When the going gets rough, it’s these skills that will help you through the tough times.

You can’t change the wind, but you can control the sails.

Everyone sets out to accomplish things, but only some people reach their final destination. Success comes from a combination of luck, hard work, and most importantly, direction. Never lose track of how you will get to where you want to go. Life will throw countless twists and turns at you and many of these setbacks will be out of your control and shove you off course. No matter the obstacle, how you adjust and correct your course makes the difference between success and failure. In this section, we’ll give you the tools to hone in on your goals and keep them in sight.